Thank you, Dyson Australia! We love our new Air Purifiers!
The past couple of months has been quite a journey for AFNT. With the rise of COVID 19 Community transmission we have been unable to perform spirometry or even (safely) see clients in person in our office.
All that is soon to change. In January TSANZ (Thoracic society of New Zealand) released new guidelines in relation to spirometry safety. One of those guidelines stated that “in the absence of adequate ventilation, strategies such as leaving rooms unoccupied between tests or use of HEPA filtration systems to supplement room ventilation are strongly encouraged.”
We are a relatively small office and team so leaving rooms empty for prolonged periods was not practical. As AFNT feels very strongly about protecting the safety of both our staff and clients, our CEO Leanne Elliott-Holmes put in a call to Dyson to provide us with some purifiers with HEPA filters to keep us and you, safe.
Dyson Australia were very quick to answer that call and earlier this week AFNT became the proud recipients of 4 purifiers with sealed HEPA 13 standard filtration. They capture 99.95% of microscopic allergens and pollutants as small as 0.1 microns, and deliver over 290 litres per second of smooth, yet powerful airflow circulating purified air across the whole room.
We cannot adequately express our profound gratitude to Dyson for their generosity. It is because of them we can continue to help Territorians breathe better!
We are waiting on a delivery of N95 masks. Once they arrive, we will start seeing clients in person again. And once community transmission numbers drop (another recommendation from TZANZ) we will again start performing spirometry.
So, watch this space!
AFNT acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the lands on which we meet and conduct our services, respecting language and culture and elders past and present.
© Asthma Foundation NT 2019
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