Every year there is a rise in asthma flare-ups and attacks when children return to school after the long break, thereby increasing preventable emergency department visits, hospitalisations, and days off school.
With that in mind, now may be a good time to look at your child’s asthma care and see that everything is up to date.
Read on for some tips on what to check.
1) Asthma action plan
Evidence tells us that using an asthma action plan can help reduce hospitalisations, improve lung function, and reduce the number of days off school.
The NT department of education, Catholic education and NT children services require an up-to-date plan for each student signed by your GP at the start of the school year.
Asthma plans should be reviewed at least every 12 months or when medication changes occur.
During the GP visit is a good time to get them to review medications, symptoms, and device technique.
You can download an asthma action plan here Asthma Action Plan - Asthma Australia BUT please remember it is not valid unless singed by your doctor.
2. Reliever Medication
Check with your school about their medication policy and work with the staff to find the best way to manage your child’s asthma medication at school. This includes access to medication prior to physical activity (where applicable).
3. Talk to school staff.
Make time to talk with the class teacher and the school nurse (where applicable) about your child’s asthma, their asthma plan and their usual triggers, symptoms, and medication. Asthma triggers can be quite unique to each individual so ensure your child’s specific triggers are also recorded on the action plan, so staff know what to look out for in your child.
It’s also advisable to talk to your child’s sport coaches, after school care etc. Remember to keep staff up to date with any changes to your child’s asthma management.
Use this valuable time to
With COVID numbers again on the rise, it is a good idea to make sure your child understands the importance of social distancing, hand hygiene etc as COVID 19 can increase the risk of Asthma flare ups.
It is also recommended by the national Asthma Council that all eligible children (5 years and above) with asthma are vaccinated for COVID 19. You can read the press release from Jan 2022 here Call to vaccinate children with asthma for school start - National Asthma Council Australia.
If you have any questions or concerns about your child’s asthma management, please don’t be shy, reach out to our friendly AFNT educators for advice.
If your child has not been in to see us within the past 12 months for review, please consider calling us to make an appointment.
Please call Asthma Foundation NT 89816066 to make an appointment.
AFNT acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the lands on which we meet and conduct our services, respecting language and culture and elders past and present.
© Asthma Foundation NT 2019
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